What's News @ AE Techron

Additions and Transitions on the AE Techron Sales Team

June 24, 2024 - We are excited to share some important announcements regarding our Sales Department. For 16 years, Jim Bumgardner has served in Sales Management for AE Techron, providing leadership to the team and excellent support to our sales partners and customers. As Jim moves towards semi-retirement, he will take on a new role using his MBA in Finance.

Effective June 10, Jim began serving as the Finance Director for AE Techron. So, while Jim will have much less customer and sales partner interaction, he will still be regularly involved in our growth and development.

Also on June 10, Leander Rabe moved to a new position as Director of Sales & Marketing at AE Techron. He has expanded his responsibilities to include management of all our U.S. and international sales, as well as the marketing efforts to support our sales partners.

Leander is eager to take on fresh challenges and contribute even more to our success. With these transitions, the department has also expanded.

Connie Andre has joined our team as Sales Coordinator. With over 14 years of inside sales and business development experience, she brings a refreshing drive for innovative custom solutions and is committed to providing dedicated support to our sales partners and customers. She is excited to begin collaborating with our sales partners to provide innovative solutions. From exceptional customer service to building and fostering strong, long-term business partnerships, she is committed to making a positive impact.

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